Product Information
PRODUCT NAME: AzenifyCS (cold sore)
PURPOSE: to promote healthy skin
Basic Chemical Analysis:
Active ingredients
Clove Oil 2%
Eugenol 2%
Geranium Oil 2%
Mint Oil 1%
Rosemary Oil 2%
Thyme Oil 1%
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 5%
Inert Ingredients
Deionized spring water 70%
Plant Esters and Sterols 15%
Total 100%
Use for cold sores which is herpes simplex virus-1(HSV-1). This product works to the cause which is viral. Cold sores can show up on the lips, inside the mouth, on the face, and even inside or on the nose. Azenify can be applied to all these areas. Cold sores can also be caused by HSV-2 which is spread by sexual contact. Azenify works the cause whether HSV-1 or HSV-2.
In deciding to use this product, it may be best to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis of cold sores.
Apply on affected areas including the lip, nose, chin, cheeks, gums and/or palate with a cotton tip applicator. Press on the affected area and hold for 5 to 10 minutes. It’s ok to re-soak the applicator a few times. Do not wash mouth or drink for 30 minutes. Repeat every 4 hours. Do not wash off. Do not use Azenify unless you have symptoms.
Use this product only as directed
Store in dark and cool environment
Keep out of direct sunlight
Do not freeze or boil
Not for internal use/do not drink
Waiver: We make no claims our product is guaranteed or is a cure for any illness or disease.
Contents: three sizes
NET WT 1.0 OZ (29.57mg)
3.0 OZ
5.0 OZ
Product life
5 years
Made in the USA
Dist. By:
Docu-Fast Inc.
P.O. Box 26137
Cleveland, OH 44126
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